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Nirvaxis is a medical center specializing in innovative treatments for cancer and other diseases. They offer personalized therapies using cutting-edge technologies and advanced medical approaches. The center focuses on immune therapy, stem cell treatments, and innovative diagnostic tests to provide comprehensive care for patients[1].

  1. Immune Therapy: This service likely focuses on boosting and modulating the immune system to help combat various health conditions.
  2. Cells & Supplement: This category may involve treatments using cellular therapies and nutritional supplements to support health and healing.
  3. Innovation Tests: Nirvaxis appears to offer advanced diagnostic tests to help identify health issues and guide treatment plans.


1. Dendritic Cell Therapy: Uses the patient's own immune cells to target and fight cancer cells.

2. Natural Killer Cell Therapy: Enhances the body's natural defense against cancer using specially activated NK cells.

3. Lymphokine-Activated Killer: The process involves stimulating white blood cells with cytokine to turn them into Lymphokine-Activated Killer (LAK) cells with a high potential to fight the growth and multiplication of cancer cells.

Stem Cell Treatments

1. Umbilical Cord-Mesenchymal Stem Cells (UC-MSCs)

2. Amnion Membrane-Mesenchymal Stem Cells (AM-MSCs)

3. Adipose Tissue-Mesenchymal Stem Cells (AD-MSCs)

4. Human Placenta Extract

5. Fibroblast Cell Culture

Innovative Tests

1. Natural Killer (NK) Cell Count

A test that determines the number of NK cells, a type of lymphocyte that can destroy cancer cells 100 times better than other white blood cells. The more NK cells you have in your body, the lower your risk of having infections and cancer.
Natural Killer (NK) Cell Activity

Having a high number of NK cells doesn’t necessarily mean that your body’s immunity is high. This is why undertaking a test to gauge your NK cells’ ability to fight cancer cells is important. The test will determine the quality of NK cells based on their ability to eradicate cancer cells directly.

2. Regulatory T Cell (Treg) Count

3. Regulatory T cell (Treg) is a type of white blood cell that controls other cells in the immune system. Having too many Treg cells in the body isn’t good, because they would leave the immune system suppressed and you’ll become more vulnerable to cancer and other diseases.
CD 3/4/8 Count (CD: Cluster of Differentiation Molecule)

4. Cluster of Differentiation (CD) markers are specific types of molecules on the surface of cells that help differentiate one cell type from another. There are many types of CD markers, including CD3, CD4, and CD8 — all of which play a crucial role in identifying and neutralizing diseases.


Address: Nirvaxis Medical Center, Calle Velázquez 94, 1ª planta, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 910 616 862

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  1. Dendritic Cell
  2. NK Cells
  1. Thailand
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